Adobe Workfront
Über Adobe Workfront
Adobe Workfront Preis
Adobe Workfront bietet keine Gratisversion und keine kostenlose Testversion.
Alternativen für Adobe Workfront
Adobe Workfront Erfahrungen
- Branche: Animationssoftware
- Unternehmensgröße: 501–1 000 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Kostenlose Testversion genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Innoativ und zeitspRend
Starke Erleichterung des Arbeitsalltags
Funktion knd Anwendung funktionell und innovativ
Sicherheit der daten sind nicht gewährleistet
- Branche: Bankwesen
- Unternehmensgröße: 1 001–5 000 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
It has given us ability to plan, manage, and measure work based on data
Sharing of projects is now easy and every member of the team has up to date data on project progress. Moreover, executives look for loopholes to help in easily and monitor progress.
It has given us ability to plan, manage, and measure work based on data which helps organization executives to monitor work in real-time using the data. The most important thing is that their support team worked with us from the beginning to create a platform that best fits our job environment. Now we can easily work in teams as we are able to plan, create and share tasks and projects within the platform and most importantly Workfront was integrated with the softwares that we use on a daily basis. Another benefit is that they offer a free trial for an organization.
The vendor support team took a little bit longer in creating the Workfront platform that could best match our needs but in all it was a success and now we are good.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen
BOARDGründe für den Wechsel zu Adobe Workfront
Workfront has the best support team which worked with us from beginning up to now.- Branche: Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness
- Unternehmensgröße: 1 001–5 000 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
A fantastic tool to maximize the success of projects
In order to save time and cut down on mistakes, we have developed our own workflows, implemented reminders, and totally automated repetitive chores. We have achieved greater productivity and a more solid foundation for our performance processes.
I love using the software because it makes me feel like my projects are well-organized. From project inception and job allocation to status monitoring and team communication, Workfront equips us with the tools we need for successful project management.
The client interface and Workfront's forms are a bit complicated, which may make it difficult to use effectively. Problems with computer programs are possible, and if they aren't fixed, they could lead to further complications or poor decision-making down the road.
- Branche: Vermögensverwaltung
- Unternehmensgröße: 5 001–10 000 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
It's worth a look, but missing a few key features for myself
I used to think Workfront was terrible, until I tried other enterprise level project management software. I'm not saying it's the best, far from it, but I think you start to appreciate it more after you realize what a herculean task it is to track everything. It does a decent job of letting you know what you're responsible for, with helpful email notifications so you don't need to always be in the tool. And once you get those notifications it's easy to respond directly in email or link to the project/task at hand and respond or make changes there. The really killer feature is the proofing tool, which despite some grumbling is one of the best out there. It allows commenting and markups of all types and allows you to do so in context. It also does versioning of the proofs, which is super helpful to go back to to remember what was marked up prior or changed. All in all it gets the job done but it's not particularly a pleasure to use, other than the proofing tool.
Not the most user friendly or aesthetic. The dashboard could use some better UX. I tried out a beta of the new dashboard and that was even worse, glad they didn't roll it out. The one big negative is the lack of a proper calendar module. I heard that one exists but for version my company uses, we don't have anything remotely resembling a calendar view. This is so helpful to me to get a view of milestones and deadlines coming up, without having to do the mental gymnastics of looking at a list view of tasks and figuring out what my priorities are. While the proofing tool is amazing (see pros) it does have a couple of missing features. One is the ability to mark comments as completed or resolved without having to do a response, and the only is to somehow create a linear history and relationship of the markups through the versioning system, so you see the evolution of them. Also, the whole idea of creating percentages done of a task seems so arbitrary to me. Even my company doesn't take much stock in it. We basically leave things at 0% until we absolutely need to mark things as 100% complete in order to not risk being at risk or to move on to the next task that's dependent on the prior one.
- Branche: Marketing & Werbung
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Great for workflow management
Adobe Workfront offers a great infrastructure for workflow management
Definitely better pricing is required for Adobe Workfront